Page 3 - News VLU 08 2023
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Vein & Lymphatic University
VLU voices
Vein & Lymphatic University’s diverse VLU members
committees are just one way that our alike are strongly
members are involved in advancing encouraged to
VLU’s mission. Our educational and get involved with
humanitarian initiatives are integral in VLU projects
serving our community and ensuring and initiatives in
equitability. VLU seeks to close the order to main-
gaps with regard to diversity, inclu- tain the wonder-
sion, and accessibility in the venous ful momentum that is propelling VLU
and lymphatic space. Our committee toward its mission of improving patient
members and co-chairs are volunteers outcomes.
who are committed to giving back to Lastly, please feel free to contact us
their chosen field in a meaningful way. directly if you have questions or con-
For this, we thank them for dedicating cerns by clicking the “Contact Us” link
their valuable time, expertise, and re- at the top of our website’s homepage.
sources to the advancement of VLU. We would love to hear your input and
We invite all current and potential feedback on how we can make VLU
members of VLU to explore our we- even better for you.
bsite to find out more about our offe- Sincerely,
rings, our volunteer opportunities, and Lowell S. Kabnick, MD – Chancellor
our projects and plans. Our website is Victor M. Canata – President
also a space where members can con- Leigh Ann Eliseo – Vice President
nect, share ideas, and spark creativity Kathleen Ozsvath
in one another. Current and potential Anil Hingorani