Page 7 - News VLU 08 2023
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Vein & Lymphatic University
                                                       VLU voices

         Connecting the Continent,

         Welcoming the World

         Podcast for AVLS/UIP 2023 meeting Sept 17-21, 2023

           We were very lucky to be                      This meeting in September
         able to discuss the upcoming                  was organized by the AVLS,
         meeting with the current AVLS                 UIP,  American Venous Fo-
         (American Vein and Lympha-                    rum,  Canadian  Society  of
         tic Society) president, Dr.                   Phlebology,  the    Mexican
         Kathleen Gibson.   This year                  Academy of Phlebology and
         the theme  of the meeting is                  Lymphology and the Mexican
         “Connecting the Continent,                    Society of Angiology, Vascu-
         Welcoming  the  World”.   This                lar and Endovascular Sur-
         will be a combined meeting                    gery.  Simultaneous trans-
         of the Union of International                 lation will be available to 22
         Phlebology and the AVLS.  To   Dr. Kathleen Gibson  languages  using  artificial  in-
         start  off,  we  discussed  why               telligence!  Needless to say,
         the American College of Phlebology chan-  the international session will be excellent.
         ged its name to the AVLS. Many patients  Some of the other sessions will include re-
         and payors are not familiar with the term   search, deep venous, ultrasound, wound
         “phlebology” and changing the title allows   care, women issues, hands on workshops,
         patients to better identify what the society   space medicine, ultrasound, focus on
         is about.  In addition, by becoming a socie-  midlevel providers and much more.  This
         ty, this help reflect all of the activities of the   meeting will have something for everyo-
         AVLS including education, advocacy and   ne.  Looking forward to seeing you at the
         research.                           meeting!

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